The mission of Branson Junior High & Branson High school choirs is to foster fellowship among students, while creating artful choral music in a safe and welcoming environment.
District Choir
All-District Choir Information
Audition Date: Saturday, Sept. 18, 2021
Director Informational Sheet
Location: Kickapoo HS
Time: 8:00 - 5:00
District Pre-Rehearsal Dates and Times:
Tuesday, Oct 26th 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Mountain Grove HS
Wednesday, Oct 27th 6:30 – 8:30p.m. Ozark HS
Thursday, Oct 28th, 6:30-8:30pmCentral HS
Performance Details:
District Choir Performance – Saturday, Nov. 6th, 2021 at Central High School
9-10 All-District Choir Information
The 9-10 audition consists of a major scale, sight-reading, and performance of a choral piece (the student will fill in the "missing" voice part).
9/10 Odd-Year Audition Piece: Farewell My Love
9/10 Even-Year Audition Piece: I'll Say it Anyway
11-12 Audition Info:
Each student may choose 1 selection from the following books (must use the books specific to their voice part).
Soprano - 24 Italian HIGH and 1st Book of Soprano Solos (Boytim)
Alto - 24 Italian LOW and 1st Book of Mezzo-Soprano/Alto Solos (Boytim)
Tenor - 24 Italian HIGH and 1st Book of Tenor Solos (Boytim)
Bass - 24 Italian LOW and 1st Book of Baritone/Bass Solos (Boytim)